Alex Lemke

My Online Portfolio

Early Rendering Engine Progress

During my spare time I have been working on a Direct X 9/11 Render Engine.  I’ve added a tessellation demo to the direct x 11 version.  Organizing actors by material is already implemented and I am currently refactoring the render target system.

Plushy Knight – Run-Through

Here’s a play through of the game Plushy Knight.  Enjoy!

Plushy Knight – Trailer

The game I’ve been working on, Plushy Knight is almost done! Here is the trailer for it!

Shaders in the Havok Vision Engine

When it comes to shaders the Havok Vision Engine gives you a visual shader editor, similar to to UDK’s material editor and allows to you an actual HLSL shader editor. You can’t do post process effects with Vision’s visual shader …

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A Few Shaders More

Here’s a few more shader examples that were all done in FxComposer.

First we have a shadow map example.  To create a simple shadow effect you simply have to render the scene from the lights perspective into a shadow map. …


FIEA C++ Game Engine

The main task for a programmer over the course the second semester at FIEA is to create a flexible cross platform game engine. This project was the largest code base I have ever created by myself and it encompasses many …

Porting Recast into the Havok Vision Engine

One of my tasks for the game Plushy Knight was solving the AI issues with navigating the environment.

I solved this task by porting the open source navigation mesh system Recast into the Havok Vision Engine.

Recast is a very popular open …

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Post Process Shaders

Time for post process effects!

I started out with a simple black and white post process shader.

Basically it turns this

into this


This is done by getting the sum of the rgb pixel values and dividing it by …

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Bump Mapping and Parallax Mapping

A few more shaders. Here we have expanded the previous lighting shaders so that all three types of lights (directional, point and spot) are all working together.  We also have a comparison shot of regular bump mapping and parrallax mapping.…


Basic HLSL Shaders

Here are some basic HLSL shaders that I’ve made.



Nothing fancy, just done to get familiar with FX Composer.  The way lighting is done in these shaders is diffuse lighting.  The light direction and the normal of the …


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